Tag: standforpeace

Pink Shirt Day

Hello readers, Are you wearing a pink shirt? no? just donated some money? you haven’t? Anyway let’s get on with the story.

Pink shirt day is about getting rid of bullies etc, if you are wearing a pink shirt thank you because im not I decided to wear my school uniform and I still donated the money. Why does pink shirt day exist? In 2007 a boy from canada was wearing a pink shirt and some kids were homophobic so they started bullying him because of his sexualilty. Until two seniors bought a lot of pink tank tops and gave them to some people. Then when people heard about it people started to wear pink shirts and now pink shirt day is a worldwide holiday.

Sometimes a bully doesn’t mean to it could be that they were forced to or maybe they were jealous, or just an attention seeker. Mostly a bully tries to get all of your friends away from you so that kind of sucks, have you been a victim of bullying? instead of commenting down the persons name just put such and such, we don’t want that person to be offended if they stopped bullying you or maybe lose their friends. Please don’t go off and bully someone they could be sad or having a mental break down because something happened at home.

want you all who are reading this for pink shirt day to be kind to everyone, even your teachers because they try and teach us you bullying is wrong and, what you say you can never take it back. Sometimes what you say can hurt others if they are already sad or depressed. Just take an note that you should be kind everyday not just on pink shirt day just because your friend says that you shouldn’t bully people today. When you bully people they might bully someone else, sometimes the bully is scared of coming out of its shell so it tries to be tough,unkind and rude because they have insecurities and they think if they bully you it can get rid of theirs.

Please share this blog post around because its a good thing to know that bullying happens to everyone don’t start bullying you don’t bully.

Thank you for reading this blog post please leave a comment down below if you have been a victim of bullying if you have don’t say the name of that person just say such and such because we don’t want to hurt whoever that is.