Tag: sciencework


Hello readers,
In science this week we have been making a Pūrerehua.

The Māori Pūrerehua is traditionally made out of either stone, wood or bone. It swings on a  cord and it produces a loud sound the energy that comes from this travels like a longitudinal wave. It’s also traditionally used as a musical instrument to contact the ancestors.

I can’t take a photo of my Pūrerehua because my camera quality isn’t very good but it looks really cool and makes a different in to which others make the same sound. I attached a little bit of something like tinfoil to it and it changed the sound completely making it make a rustle sound every time I spun it around whether or not I spun it fast or slow.

We made our Pūrerehua out of cardboard and attached about five pieces to it cut out just to make the sound it generally makes with wood,stone or bone.

When you spin the Pūrerehua at different speeds it changes the amplitude, frequency, pitch, volume/loudness.

When you spin it slow the sound is quiet and the frequency is small waves. When you spin it faster the sound gets louder and the sound waves are bigger. The amplitude is the height of the wave which would go higher on the faster the Pūrerehua was pun, the amplitude of the sound waves would be smaller depending on how slow you spun it.

Here is a few pictures of a Pūrerehua.

Pūrerehua / Turorohu - Haumanu CollectivePurerehua - Puhoro – Tikitibu.comCarved Purerehua #02


Different Substances and Mixtures

Hello readers,

The difference between Substances and Mixtures are that, a pure substance is just something on it’s on and a mixture is a pure substance combined with another.

Different substances have different properties.

Pure substances contain only one substance.

Most materials around us are mixtures of more than one substance.

Tea and Coffee can be a mixture, water, coke, sand, salad and cake are all made up of different mixtures.

Can you think of anymore????

The features by which a material can be identified are called?


Materials which always have the same properties are called

pure substances

Materials which are made up of different substances are called.


Explain why orange juice is a mixture and not a pure substance?

it is squeezed into a glass.



Abscolbic Acid (vit c)

Hydrogen (small amounts)

Oranges from many types.

Sugar and water have mixed to form a solution

Coffee and water also form a solution.

Solute a solid – you try to dissolve it.

Solvent the liquid that dissolves it

Solution the mixture created.