
Hello readers,

For these past weeks in art/painting I have been doing digital painting on an online free site that you can sign up to for free called Sumopaint, it is completely free and easy to use.

We have also been working on tones, backgrounds and how to make layers. I have made a bunch of things that I have forgotten to save and I’m not quite proud of that. But I really enjoyed making them.


DDA (Death Dying and the Afterlife).

Hello readers, 

In Health we have been studying about Death, Dying, and the Afterlife. We have learned about some different cultural beliefs and traditions. We have learned about death, cultural beliefs, different ways on what people do when someone dies.
My topic is about “Killer Diseases”.

I have chosen to investigate Killer diseases, which is called ‘Naegleria Fowleri” it’s commonly known as it’s English name to Brain eating Amoeba.

Interesting pieces of information about Naegleria Fowleri is how you can get it from all sorts of things.

Forcing tap water up the nostrils to clear a sinus problem. Squirting water up the nose from a hose to remove salt water after swimming in the Spencer gulf . You can also get them from lakes and in chlorinated water. Hot springs and even your bath tub.

This is the Discovery.

Getting a disease from Naegleria Fowleri would impact your Haoura badly. Taha Tinana would be from the brain slowing down, Taha Hinengaro would be pain and feeling the brain being eaten, Taha Whanau would be affected as well because if the brain eating amoeba ate the part where you speak or process things you wouldn’t be able to communicate very well. Taha Wairua would be impacted from not being able to pray or sing karakias.

There were a number of ways that I demonstrated respect towards other culture beliefs during this unit. I did this by being respectful and understanding that everyone is different.


Showing respect to others might enhance other people’s Haoura by, Taha Hinengaro because they don’t have to feel a lot of grief, ashamed or powerless to their emotions especially if they lost someone important to them you are being respectful. Taha Tinana because they don’t have to begin crying and wipe their tears or run out of the room from grief which shows that you’re being a respectful acceptive person to help this person cope. Taha Wairua because they know that their loved one is still with them inside of their heart and not making fun of that person for that loved one being dead is showing deep respect and kindness. Taha Whanau because you are being a good friend, who is supporting your friend in this bad time to help them cope while they are feeling let down, overwhelmed and helpless.


It is important that I take care of all areas of my hauora when I experience change, loss, or grief because if I don’t I might crumble down and my mental health and Haoura would go down pretty quickly.


I can take care of my hauora when I experience change, loss, or grief by talking to others and strengthening our connection which is Taha Whanau, going outside for a walk or visiting the grave which would be for Taha Tinana, Taha Hinengaro and Taha Wairua. 


The Whare Tapa Wha is a concept of the mind and body, there are four walls. The four walls represent the person as a whole and a being. The first wall is Taha Whanau which is social, social can be anything like talking to someone or hanging out. Taha Hinengaro is emotional, Taha Hinengaro plays a big part during puberty when it comes to hormones and the excessive changes of your emotions.  Taha Wairua is spiritual, it could be anything like praying or saying a karakia.

Taha Tinana is Physical, which is like going outside for a run, playing basketball, going for a walk, walking the dog and doing physical activities any of the sort.

It is important that we keep our four walls connected to make sure we are one with our mind and body during loss. It is hard but taking care of yourself can help with change, loss and grief.

Three things I am proud of during this unit would be,

Killer Diseases

this is a picture of the brain eating Amoeba. They are single celled organisms and they somewhat resemble a leech except leeches prey on the outer shell of humans not the inside or just one part like the Amoeba does.

Victorian Era


Down below is a picture of Memento Mori, which is when the dead is propped up for a photo with a family member one last time. Sometimes they actually painted onto the eyes pupils to make them seem more alive, a lot of the time you would see family members gather up for the photo. What was really common was this was usually meant for children and babies.




The Black Death

This is a plague doctor, who was usually trying out new cures to heal the infected. They believed wearing this whole heap of leather would protect them from getting sick from the plague. Inside of their beak was a bunch of herbs which was also believed to have helped them from not getting sick.




Hello readers,
In science this week we have been making a Pūrerehua.

The Māori Pūrerehua is traditionally made out of either stone, wood or bone. It swings on a  cord and it produces a loud sound the energy that comes from this travels like a longitudinal wave. It’s also traditionally used as a musical instrument to contact the ancestors.

I can’t take a photo of my Pūrerehua because my camera quality isn’t very good but it looks really cool and makes a different in to which others make the same sound. I attached a little bit of something like tinfoil to it and it changed the sound completely making it make a rustle sound every time I spun it around whether or not I spun it fast or slow.

We made our Pūrerehua out of cardboard and attached about five pieces to it cut out just to make the sound it generally makes with wood,stone or bone.

When you spin the Pūrerehua at different speeds it changes the amplitude, frequency, pitch, volume/loudness.

When you spin it slow the sound is quiet and the frequency is small waves. When you spin it faster the sound gets louder and the sound waves are bigger. The amplitude is the height of the wave which would go higher on the faster the Pūrerehua was pun, the amplitude of the sound waves would be smaller depending on how slow you spun it.

Here is a few pictures of a Pūrerehua.

Pūrerehua / Turorohu - Haumanu CollectivePurerehua - Puhoro – Tikitibu.comCarved Purerehua #02


Health , culture, death and coping with loss.

Hello readers,

What is your culture?   Evidence 
What is your culture? My culture is Filipino/Maori

Funeral practices and burial customs in the Philippines - WikipediaHere's what traditional funerals are like in the Philippines | Metro NewsDeath and Dying: A Filipino American Perspective | Diverse Elders Coalition

What happens in your culture when someone passes away? When a person passes away, this is what happens is that pasiyam or pagsisiyam, which happens is when the mourners offer prayers such as the rosary for the Dead for nine days . 

We got to the marae and we pray for their body. Sing Maori songs and tell loved stories about them. After that usually we would have a hangi and then bury them in the cemetery next to our loved ones.

Before the end of life celebration the family does a few prayers.

For the burial/funeral/tangi/celebration in my culture we…. 

Do several things in both, sometimes we pray and listen to our elders speak up. Other times we sing songs and tell the stories we remember about them.


What are some important processes/things that occur when a person passes away? A few important things about death in my culture are….

We use the rosary to pray for them, we usually get close to the casket to say our goodbyes. We comfort someone who is crying, and we believe that if we stay with them for a little longer it will help them be sent up to heaven.
(Discuss things such as processes/rules/customs/beliefs)

What is something you think is interesting or important to teach others about your culture regarding death, dying and the afterlife? Within my culture, there are many important aspects that I believe are important for others to know about  when it comes to death, dying and the afterlife. These are the Pasiyam, because I wasn’t there to witness all of the things my family did when my tatai (dad, but not my dad) he was my grandad and he died. We called him TaTai because my father used to hear everybody in the house back in the Philippines call him Tatai so he began calling him that too and told us to call him that too.

For the Maori culture sometimes we give up offerings like things they loved in life, money, often visits and praying. Sometimes we’d tell them the things happening in life and that we miss them, every time there is a new addition to the family we take them there to visit their family.

What are 5 strategies that a person could implement that may help them get through the loss? How will this enhance their hauora? There are a number of strategies that a person can implement to help them get through coping with the loss of someone important to them. Five strategies that I suggest are praying, asking for comfort, meditating, connecting to family roots and reading the bible.

This will enhance their hauora in all of the walls. Taha Wairua – Spiritual when you pray and read the Bible to connect to your spiritualists.

Taha whanau – Social. Comfort from family members.

Taha Wairua – Spiritual. Connecting to family roots.

It strengthens your walls. Don’t let death ruin your mindset, try to cope nothing is bad foreve


Football Journal (PE)

Hello readers.

In PE, we have been training for Football. We have learned about some different skills. Some of the skills we have learned about are dribbling and passing.

I have chosen to focus on passing to others.

 3 things that I have learned about the skill are, I need to control the ball, Focus on the other person and kick it lightly.

I can improve my performance in football by 

1. By practising a lot

2. Working with teammates.

3. Using communication skills with my teammates.

I know I have improved because me and my teammates can effectively pass the ball to each other accurately and have control over the ball.

I have noticed that when me and my classmates play, we all do a great job while playing. It’s interesting to observe and takes notes about how I can be support and help them while playing football.

I was respectful when my teammate fell over and I helped them up.

Men's World Cup Soccer Ball, the Al Rihla, Has the ...


Hello readers,

Today we were researching about Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Arthritis.

There are more than 100 types of Arthritis.

The most common is Osteoarthritis.

One of the saddest in my opinion would be Juvenile Arthritis because it is commonly affected in children aged below sixteen years old.

Arthritis is a disease which usually develops in old people,

(The information on all of the Arthritis is and can be found from Google).

Rheumatoid arthritis can cause pain, swelling and deformity. As the tissue that lines your joints (synovial membrane) becomes inflamed and thickened, fluid builds up and joints erode and degrade. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect more than just your joints.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation in the joints and ligaments of the spine. It may also affect peripheral joints like the knees, ankles, and hips. Normally, the joints and ligaments in the spine help us move and bend.

What causes arthritis?
increasing age.
having a family history of arthritis.
obesity or being overweight.
activities that involve repetitive movements of a joint.
previous damage to a joint, such as from an injury.

What can you do to help Arthritis?

Physical activity is a simple and effective, drug-free way to relieve arthritis pain. Being physically active can reduce pain, improve function, mood, and quality of life for adults with arthritis. Regular physical activity can contribute to improved sleep and support bone health, brain health, and weight control. (this was from Google).


Chicken Leg Dissection!

1.Why we are dissecting a chicken leg.

To identify all of the bones and look at what they are, on Monday we first learnt about all of the bones in the human body and to try and identify the Chicken bones. The fun thing will to be dissecting it open and trying to memorise all of the bits in the picture that we were researching.

2. Picture.

A chicken leg quarter with the meat removed, showing the femur, knee, tibia, and fibula


AIM: To dissect a chicken leg, an different parts and systems of the lower leg.


EQUIPMENT: Scissors, Tweezers, Dissecting tray, Paper, Gloves, Disinfectant
METHOD: We peeled the skin off of the chicken using the scissors then we cut off the muscle on the leg on some you could see tendons sticking out of the chicken leg. Next we got rid of all of the muscle and we found the bones with the ligaments. Then after that we put the cut up chicken into a white container. We disposed of the chicken bones and then we cleaned all of the tables.

Results –

Discussion: The tendons could move and the ligaments help the bones move.

Conclusion – It did work, what I would do differently was listen to my teammates, I had too much fun and well I didn’t mess up but my teammates and I couldn’t stop laughing about it.

A cross-section of a chicken's spine, with attached femur and tibia

Athletic in PE.

Hello readers,

We weren’t able to finish athletics so here were my practice results.

I got a 2 in the beep test.

I got a 4m in shotput

I got a 10m in Discus

I got a 1.5m in Long Jump

I didn’t master the technique for triple jump but one day I will.

The weather was rainy. 

I felt good when I saw one of my friends win a race in 100m.

Something/someone that surprised me was that this kid was in last but before he gained some speed he went faster and beat everyone in  a race and I think that is true determination to win.

My friend Te Hari did well in 100m by getting third place in 100m.

One thing that I could have done better was probably get fifth or fourth in 100m.

The highlight of my day was when I got my face-paint I loved it, my friends also got some. (I got a red star on my eye, a R for Riroriro in blue on my right cheek and a smiley face for Mohua.

Next year I hope to do even better! and that athletics isn’t cancelled.


Hello readers,

Questions Sentence starters to help you answer the questions Evidence 
What is Te Whare Tapa Whā? There are 5 areas of hauora.

The 5 areas of hauora are, Taha Whanau, Taha Hinegaro, Taha Wairua, Taha Tinana, Whenua.

Te Whare Tapa is Māori concept about a person and their feelings and how it keeps them stable and up.

The 4 walls of a whare connect together and when one goes down another does too.(interconnect)


Introduce today’s activity Today in Health we played…. Marshmallow Towers

The rules of the game were, 1- there needs to be 3-4 players.

2. Your group will be given 12 marshmallows and eight skewers, your group needs to build a tower in the twelve minutes given. You can only use your materials you have been given.

3. Your tower needs to be held up by itself.

The best part of the game was Jherean and everyone in my table being very silly.

Discuss how your hauora was impacted by participating in today’s activity  My hauora was positively affected during the game as  this had a positive impact on my hauora because it was really fun and my friends were really funny during the game

My hauora was negatively impacted when our tower fell. 

What can you improve on when participating in a game with others? What I could improve on is being a bit quieter

This will have a positive impact on my hauora because I won’t get in trouble.


Hello everyone.

Here is my work from health 😀

Questions Evidence 
What is Te Whare Tapa Whā? There are five areas of hauora.

The 5 areas of hauora are Taha tinana, Taha hinengaro,Taha Wairua,, Taha Whanau, Whenua

Te Whare Tapa is Māori concept about a person and their feelings connection.

The 4 walls of a whare Taha Tinana, Taha Whanau, Taha hinengaro, Taha wairua. (interconnect)

Introduce today’s activity Today in Health we played water pong 

The rules of the game were we had to aim for the other teams 10 cups and get them all out of the way.

The best part of the game was laughing with my friends on how bad we were all doing.

Discuss how your hauora was impacted by participating in today’s activity  My hauora was positively affected during the game as…. This had a positive impact on my hauora because it was fun!

My hauora was negatively impacted when I had to write a blog. This had a positive impact on my hauora because I’m tired.

For excellence- discuss how all areas of hauora (where relevant) were affected by today’s task.

Taha Tinana, Taha Hinegaro and Taha Whanau

What can you improve on when participating in a game with others? What I could improve on is…. Being quieter

This will have a positive impact on my hauora because I will not get in trouble.